 Scott Creney

REVIEWED IN WORDS Lady Gaga – Born This Way (Interscope)

Born This Way is Lady Gaga’s Be Here Now. It is bloated and too full of itself.

 Wallace Wylie

Lady Gaga thinks homosexuality is perverted

Does Lady Gaga understand the association she is making by having gay rights advocacy infused so strongly with her overtly sexual imagery that looks like dance night at an S&M club?

 Everett True

Spotlight – 23: No Anchor

I’ll be blunt here. These guys praised me, so I thought I’d check their shit out. Seems like I’ve been yearning for a little of this recently. My iTunes has been flickering between Pissed Jeans and Wavves, Crocodiles, recs of the flesh, Melbourne’s Witch Hats (who are Australia’s greatest rock band when The Drones are […]