The Datsuns – Deep Sleep (Hellsquad)

Honestly, I didn’t mean to pick two solid RAWK albums in a row. As usual, I had no idea what to expect when I drew the Datsuns from the line up. But FUCK. If I could boil this review down to one sentence, it’d be this one: the Datsuns have swooped down from their starfighters […]
Song of the day – 667: Ragana

I like the fact Black Sabbath and Unwound haven’t been a male institution for years.
Everett True’s favourite songs of 2013 so far

Fuck’s sake. Where have all the men gone? Do men even make music any more?
Song of the day – 583: Black Sabbath

I love the first Black Sabbath album cos it feels so amateur: unfinished and clunky and full of ridiculous couplets, and vitally not scared of ridicule. Songs don’t fit together, most the time.
How to structure an album review
At least they’re not Jet or The Vines – and for that we should be grateful
THE ALTERNATE REVIEW: Fucked Up – David Comes To Life (Matador)
Fucked Up is the kind of band that makes me wish I were in their band.
No Anchor – Real Pain Supernova (self-released)
Listening to No Anchor, it’s hard not to hear a weaker, less interesting version of their heroes.
Neil Diamond @ Brisbane Entertainment Centre, 23.03.11
“The rules of tonight are very simple. I go where the noise takes me.”