Added on April 18, 2011
Best Coast , Dum Dum Girls , Kelly McClure , Share The Joy , Vivian Girls , Vivian Girls Share The Joy
THE BAD REVIEW Vivian Girls – Share the Joy (Polyvinyl)
When you think about it, music can be compared to the difference between kiddie rollercoasters, and humongous, death-defying coasters.
Added on April 18, 2011
Scott Creney
Best Coast , Cassie Ramone , Dum Dum Girls , Music criticism , Polyvinyl , Scott Creney , Share The Joy , Vivian Girls , Vivian Girls Share The Joy
THE GOOD REVIEW Vivian Girls – Share The Joy (Polyvinyl)
There are still songs about love, but even the love songs sound wiser, more ferocious, more bitter, and ultimately more hopeful. Vivian Girls have grown up.