
Various – Why Diet When You Could Riot? (Tuff Enuff)

“It seems that the only way to escape is to attempt to carve out however small a pocket of resistance as one can,” reads the album’s fanzine

 Everett True

A plug for a show I will never see. You bastards.

It’s like they threw an Everett True party and deliberately didn’t invite me.

 Everett True

Song of the day – 211: Hotpants Romance

It seems almost inconceivable to me that I haven’t drawn your attention to the many-splendoured delights of Hotpants Romance before

 Everett True

Song of the day – 135: Town Bike

I’m a sucker for any band that’s a sucker for early Ramones the same as me, especially if they have a female singer. Of course, this sucker-dom can manifest itself in many ways. From Shonen Knife to Helen Love, from Soda Fountain Rag to Shop Assistants, from Vivian Girls to… ah Bangs alive, we’re going […]

 Everett True

Spotlight – 22: Town Bike

Um. Oh. Wait a sec… I was going to wholeheartedly recommend this, because every decade needs a new Helen Love, a new Bangs – plus, this bunch match the sheer 60s pop ramalama delight of Ramones to the gorgeously outdated harmonies of Redd Kross or Teenage Fanclub on a song like ‘Hey Hey Ho’ or […]