Song of the day – 338: 2001 A Space Odyssey
Damn straight. This qualifies as a song, right?
Our first experience of 2001: A Space Odyssey (a film I’ve been meaning to see since around 1975) was marvellous: the entire final Surrealist/oils sequence had its sense of mystery and magnificence only increased by the spectacle of Daniel (aged almost two) hurling his socks at us nonstop. Plus, the constant vocal ejaculation from our toddler terror: “Whass that? WHASS THAT?” (Isaac has just heard the music for the first time: and is currently quaking and wailing down a two-foot-long cardboard tube in imitation.)
What fantastic opening music. Every blockbuster since has tried, and failed, to match its omnipotence.
And those Gyorgy Ligeti swarm-upon-swarm-of-ferocious-bees-buzzing numbers … ! OMG! OMG! Isaac wailing over them, with a rampaging thunderstorm going on right outside, is only increasing the sense of strangeness and claustrophobia. Isaac is now attacking the furniture, and squealing off the scale. Who’s going to crack … first …….. ??
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