Australia’s ‘harshest’ music critic? For fuck’s sake, learn how to do your research, Buzzfeed

Guess folk have to have some form of shit to write about, otherwise folk would be out of a job. Case in point. “Is this Australia’s harshest critic?” This was the semi-rhetorical question Buzzfeed Australia posed about Melbourne music writer and editor Tyson Wray yesterday. Tyson works full-time as an editor at Melbourne’sBeat Magazine, but has gained loads of […]
The Collapse Board interview | Darren Levin (FasterLouder, Mess+Noise)
Why should people write for FasterLouder when they’re accumulating clips when they could just start a tumblr instead? Is there a single good editor who actually cares where a piece was published as much as they care about the quality of the writing?
You know it’s really fucking coming to something when Faster Louder of all places attempts to draw a line in the sand
So bad, it almost makes one yearn for the lazy advertorial of Australia’s street press. Almost.
some fallout from the Faster Louder article
If folk like Sophie really are seeing Faster Louder as a career path, a stepping stone to the next stage, my only question would be: a stepping stone to what? To fucking what?
“I have few regrets. Writing for Fasterlouder is one of them.”
I was intrigued to read the following words from QLD journalist Sophie Benjamin on her blog …