In Photos: Gold Class + Per Purpose + Pleasure Symbols @ The Foundry, 04.12.2015
Gold Class launch their ‘It’s You’ album in Brisbane with a show at The Foundry, with support from Per Purpose and Pleasure Symbols.
Reviewed in words: The Fall, Gold Class, Nite Fields @ The Zoo, 20.10.2015
NO RESPECTS! These are the first words discernable from the disembodied diatribe, but the personality behind them was perfectly clear when the first slurred syllable pushed out of the PA. The voice emanates vaguely from a stage semi-populated by tight-lipped musicians behind a spot-lit empty platform, but its presence is physical. People look, grin, cheer […]
In Photos: BIGSOUND 2015, Wednesday 9 September 2015 – Part 1
Photos from the first night of BIGSOUND 2015, featuring Aldous Harding, Big White, Deafcult, Donny Benet, Green Buzzard, Gold Class, Grrl Pal, Harts and High Tension.