The greatest band in the world in November, 2015

Cold, covered in sweat. I am on stage performing as The Legend! (not Everett True) and people are laughing. I am a funny man, that’s what (some) people say. People laughed at Nina Simone too. (Read that sentence again, and wince.) Nervousness, coupled with just not knowing how to react. I know I intimidate, that […]
Reviewed in words: The Fall, Gold Class, Nite Fields @ The Zoo, 20.10.2015

NO RESPECTS! These are the first words discernable from the disembodied diatribe, but the personality behind them was perfectly clear when the first slurred syllable pushed out of the PA. The voice emanates vaguely from a stage semi-populated by tight-lipped musicians behind a spot-lit empty platform, but its presence is physical. People look, grin, cheer […]
a rare good live recording of Nirvana with The Legend!
You can hear Jad Fair making weird sounds through a megaphone in the background.
Exclusive to Collapse Board – Greil Marcus Ponders Better Than Ezra
The #1 song on modern rock radio that day was ‘Lightning Crashes’ by a Pennsylvania band called Live.
Justin Townes Earle @ Step Inn, 10.03.11
by Alex Gillies
Best Coast @ Woodland 10.03.11
Sometimes I wonder what it must be like to be in a popular band and play on stage at a sold out show to a front row of people with their iphones held aloft, recording the moment for later playback rather than living than moment.
That Was The Year That Was 2010
Photographer Justin Edwards looks back over the Brisbane live scene in 2010. (This article was originally published on This Is Not A Photo Opportunity.)
Kirin J Callinan + Los Huevos + Per Purpose live @ The Troubadour
Actually a good crowd for a Sunday night and why not? Two of Brisbanes finest plus Kirin J Callinan. Kirin is cabaret I guess is about as good as I can describe it but with shards of guitar occasionally jammed in the underbelly. This was close to a perfect gig. Kirin J Callinan – Live […]