Collapse Board at 7: The 25 Most Read Articles

Collapse Board celebrated its seventh birthday yesterday. To celebrate, here’s the 25 most read articles over those seven years. Enjoy! 1. Shut up about Kreayshawn being Racist – Kelly McClure In the last few days I’ve gotten into two very intense debates via Facebook about whether or not Kreayshawn is a racist. Naturally Facebook would be […]
Nirvana’s In Utero, 20 years later

People are re-evaluating Nirvana again, it being the 20th anniversary of the Olympia WA group’s third and final album In Utero. Here’s my contribution.
That In Utero memo | An outraged* reader responds
Freedom of speech, public debate, and to then be “stable” golf writers, copy, but as long as any 1 card reader complies with lively analog temerity to take a drive, and competent writing the column, and is a common disease, schizophrenia, I call the right locations. Damn green iguana.
That In Utero memo Google-translated into Haitian Creole, Russian, Welsh, Esperanto, Icelandic and back again into English
Make more sense now?
Deconstructing The Myth | 10 Reasons Why “Secret Memo Regarding Nirvana’s ‘In Utero’ Reissue Leaked” Is Not For Real
To sum up. I think this memo is probably a spoof. A very cleverly worded and artful spoof for sure… but still a spoof.
Secret Memo Regarding Nirvana’s ‘In Utero’ Reissue Leaked

People not only like to read the same story over and over again, they demand it. Our job is to retell the story, to reinforce the legends, to emphasise the inflexibility of the narrative.
Nevermind (the years that have passed)
We all start developing an enlightened view of the world from one kernel, one flashpoint.
The 10 Myths about Kurt Cobain and Nirvana they didn’t want you to read

‘Smells Like Teen Spirit’ was originally written on a zither to prove it wasn’t a rock song
A Hipster Doofus, Edified; or, how I Stopped Worrying and Started to Love the Drake
It was a simple statement, made on a friend’s Facebook status. “I never got what the big deal is about Nick Drake.”