Jessica Hopper: A Conversation With A Living Female Rock Critic

Interview and words by Joseph Kyle. Reprinted with Kyle’s permission from the Recoup. Jessica Hopper is a polarizing figure in punk rock and indie rock. She started her ‘zine Hit It Or Quit It while in high school, and thanks to the underground explosion that took place shortly thereafter, for better or worse, she quickly […]
Cindy Dall, I Hardly Knew Thee, but I Miss You Dearly
I miss Cindy Dall, even though I only knew her through photographs and little more than an hour’s worth of music.
Little Roy – Battle For Seattle (Ark Recordings)
The best treatment of Kurt’s music since the wonderful Grunge Lite
Song of the day – 409: Alabama Shakes
Why hark back to the past when there’s something so vibrant, so living, so right on, so bluesy, so vivid?
Know When To Fold ‘Em: The Sad Case of Jesus And Mary Chain’s Munki
Let the dudes in the local bar bands sing the virtues of rock’n’roll. You’re better than that.
A Dissenter Among the Nevermind Accolades
In 1991 yours truly was about as far from the Pacific Northwest as one could be
Hong Kong In The 60s – My Fantoms (Proper Songs)
I have a new favorite band and they have quickly dominated my heart.
Why Everett True is sort of wrong… er… well, not exactly right… partially right yet partially not… oh well… whatever… nevermind…
I just don’t think anyone was trying to suck out, water down, or destroy Cobain’s legacy
Washed Out: the focus group response review
I like that I can delete this from my iTunes and not miss it later.
The Collapse Board Anti-Manifesto Manifesto
Am I the only one annoyed with the sudden blossoming of Collapse Board manifestos?