
In Photos: My Disco + 100% + Cured Pink @ Crowbar, 20.11.2015

In Photos: My Disco + 100% + Cured Pink @ Crowbar, 20.11.2015

My Disco play at Brisbane’s Crowbar, with support from 100% and Cured Pink.

 Everett True

The return of Everett True | 55. Duck Duck Chop

The return of Everett True | 55. Duck Duck Chop

Goddamn. A two-piece from Melbourne who remember This Heat with the same fondness as me. Probably not so old as me, though – so they’ve never had the privilege of arguing with skinheads heckling This Heat playing live, nor of having the person next to them stabbed for being too lippy. But they sure understand the […]

 Everett True

Song of the day – 297: Lispector

This is the greatest hidden music you’ll encounter all year. Five hundred songs, and I haven’t yet found one I don’t think is less than magical.

 Rah Mcv

The Collapse Board interview – Samuel Miers (School Girl Report)

“I use nails under the strings on one song. Spanners, a peg, a drill, a headband and a bracelet. They all give different sounds to each song.”

 Everett True

Oh Lord. The shortlist for the AMP 2010 has just been announced.

I got the impression the AMP was supposed to cover ALL forms of music, not just indie. Isn’t Australia known for its hip-hop? Its hardcore?

 Everett True

eight ‘classic’ bands… a rejoinder

Julian says: “Everybody’s always like, ‘Oh yeah the music used to be better in the 80s’. No it fucking didn’t.” So what current bands are as good as The Fall, Joy Division, Buzzcocks, The Birthday Party or Dexy’s [sic] in their prime? Not to mention Blondie, Ramones, Jonathan Richman… (This comment originated on another post. I think it’s […]

 Everett True

the longest songs in my iTunes library – Sonic Youth, Kraftwerk, Dirtbombs, Can, Tunabunny, Gareth Liddiard et al

I’m only listening to music that’s allowing itself space to breathe today.

 Everett True

Top 10 Most Read Entries on Collapse Board, 2010

Australia. You worry me sometimes.

 Everett True

Everett True’s List of 10 Things from 2010

The problem with Brisbane appears to be an overload of the creative process: there are too many folk being creative and not enough people satisfied with being consumers

 Everett True

Everett True’s Top 5 albums of 2010

fluttering wing-movements and stuttering synth breaks and fluting woodwind and those stunning voices