 Lee Adcock

SOTD #750 – So Cow

SOTD #750 – So Cow

Ah-ha! It’s just as I suspected. I have this habit of trying to imagine songwriters through their lyrics – and especially in the car, where this side compartment in my imagination works on overdrive. Thus – there’s this one guy Brian Kelly, and he’s got this band So Cow, except in this case it isn’t […]


In Photos: Buzzcocks + HITS @ Triffid, 10.03.2016

In Photos: Buzzcocks + HITS @ Triffid, 10.03.2016

Buzzcocks play a Golden Plains’ sideshow at Brisbane’s Triffid, with support from HITS.

 Tom McCall

Buzzcocks + HITS @ Triffid, 10.03.2016

Buzzcocks + HITS @ Triffid, 10.03.2016

By Tom McCall In the late 1970’s, Buzzcocks, starting with the Spiral Scratch EP, released a series of singles that is nearly unmatched in quality and timelessness in the punk rock canon. Since their reunion over 25 years ago, they have steadily amassed a huge amount of live performances along with the occasional new album.  There […]


Ardent Mythology: Following The Libertines

Ardent Mythology: Following The Libertines

By Alexis Late A lot of well-worshipped musicians tend to have a web of mythology encompassing them. Sometimes it’s created by scandal loving press and is, not surprisingly, flawed or exaggerated; sometimes it’s unearthed by fans through intimate obsession, or woven by the artists themselves, as they make their manifestos public. The Libertines were a […]

 Everett True

Name and shame | The great bands that should never have reformed

Name and shame | The great bands that should never have reformed

This line. It might be thin, so thin that it can’t be seen by the human eye so I can only give you a representation, but it exists – believe you me. Here. Here’s a reminder. OK. Let’s get on with the chart. Reminder: to qualify, the band needs to have been great in the first […]

 Everett True

Your three favourite Buzzcocks songs | a thoroughly scientific survey

Your three favourite Buzzcocks songs | a thoroughly scientific survey

I’ve never properly attempted to write about Buzzcocks. I don’t want to try. I believe their first three albums (+ the three bootlegs I bought at the time, on vinyl) are peerless. I believe their initial run of singles (+ the final three which never really bothered the charts) are exemplary, manifestos to stay alive […]

 Everett True

The return of Everett True | 78. AC/DC

The return of Everett True | 78. AC/DC

For a while, it was touch and go there. I didn’t realise it at the time. I was just a lad, rocking out at the local under-16s disco at the YMCA. Lad with testosterone, however late come – however insignificant next to all the other lads with testosterone. I wanted to ROCK. Disco didn’t do […]

 Everett True

Everett True’s Favourite Bands (and Venues) of 1980

Everett True’s Favourite Bands (and Venues) of 1980

I started, so I may as well see this mini-series through to its conclusion. This is probably the most dubious ‘top’ chart of all from my teenage self in 1980. It’s not based on ‘likes’ or ‘ratings’ (as you might have expected), but on simple numbers, calculated via a point system – two for a […]

 Everett True

There is no such thing as good and bad music | Music played in week 1 of KMB003

There is no such thing as good and bad music | Music played in week 1 of KMB003

Music played in week 1 of KMB003. This was for the general introductory lecture + tutorial. Most of the quotes below are mine. Click on the song title for the link. 1. Destiny’s Child – Survivor (ft. Da Brat) Never even knew this song till I saw Beyoncé perform it last year, surrounded by clouds […]

 Lee Adcock

Tijuana Panthers – Wayne Interest (Create/Control)

Tijuana Panthers – Wayne Interest (Create/Control)

Funny what slips through your fingers and out of your head, eh? Last summer I reviewed Tijuana Panthers’ Semi-Sweet for Gold Flake Paint, but must confess that I hadn’t revisited it at all this year. Let’s re-acquaint ourselves. Semi-Sweet was just one fun, knock-about romp, really. Tons of lo-fi stomp, familiar melodies and harmonies rebounding […]

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