The Continuing Sad, Sorry State of Australia Street Press
If Street Press Australia is still inviting discussion about sexism in its papers, I would like to let them know that I think Fred Negro’s Strip included in Time Off edition 1611 is sexist.
An email from the managing director of (Street Press Australia)
We are disappointed by the inference that Time Off in any way is influenced in opinion by advertisers. For 1589 issues Time Off has flown the flag for the Brisbane independent scene and we are extremely proud of the history of the title and its commitment to Brisbane music.
Exercise Music I: Fast Music, Slow Walky
I’ve always shied away from dubstep records because spaced-out mid-tempo grooves are about as conducive to stimulating exercise as a warm glass of milk
Boys Against Girls Against the Brisbane Street Press – part 2
You just have to wonder how much of ‘popular’ music’s ongoing canon is being written by a very narrow range of music reviewers.
live recording of The Deadnotes + The Legend!
I was quite proud of my performance the other night at The Zoo.
Boys Against Girls: the Brisbane Street Press, part 1
If a contributor was called something like Darren, Steve or Tim, I assumed they were male.
Music and the construction of female identity – Brisbane’s street press
I was going to focus my article on examining the way language is used to present women in the street press. Until I encountered a problem. There are none!
The 100 Best Australian Albums – All Your Bands Are Belong To Us
A few weeks ago the list of the 100 Best Australia Albums, as determined by music journalists Toby Creswell and Craig Mathieson, together with music industry executive and ex-journalist John O’Donnell, was published, a precursor to the mandatory book and CD set. I’m surprised no one else has posted something more comprehensive on Collapse Board […]