 Wallace Wylie

Segregation Under a Groove: Pop Music’s Unspoken Colour Lines

Segregation Under a Groove: Pop Music’s Unspoken Colour Lines

Many years ago, a great schism occurred in the history of popular music. As amps got louder and concerts got bigger, new groups responded by creating a heavier kind of music that relied on sheer sonic power as opposed to the lighter sounds of early sixties pop. Rock music broke away from pop and in […]


The 100 Best Australian Albums – All Your Bands Are Belong To Us

The 100 Best Australian Albums – All Your Bands Are Belong To Us

A few weeks ago the list of the 100 Best Australia Albums, as determined by music journalists Toby Creswell and Craig Mathieson, together with music industry executive and ex-journalist John O’Donnell, was published, a precursor to the mandatory book and CD set. I’m surprised no one else has posted something more comprehensive on Collapse Board […]