Shameless | My 17 Favourite Songs of 2014 that I hadn’t heard yesterday
If they ever print a biography of me, the running title should be Shameless. Guess a major difference between me and others is that I admit it. These songs here – these songs that hopefully you’re going to click on and discover and love and relish (Love And Relish: a great title for a culinary […]
Outwitting the Sadness Rover: Tamsin Chapman’s Best of 2013
Disclaimer: this is self-indulgent, but it has a bearing on my choices. You know the monster balloon in The Prisoner – Rover? Well just lately, there’s been an intermittent ball of sad (or anxiety or both) hovering nearby, just in my line of sight. Sometimes it’s come so close it’s jumped inside me, a tight […]
Song of the day – 614: Fat Creeps
Everything is slightly confused and blurred like a Trafalgar Square night bus home.
Tamsin’s Twice-Yearly Pop-Moan-Fest Jan-June 2013
“What’s the matter? Your chicken taste like pork?”
Still Fuck Albums: Tamsin’s Musical 2012
As everybody at Collapse Board should know by now, “girls’ music” is always the best kind and everything else is B.O.R.I.N.G. So bring it the fuck on.
Song of the day – 516: Lady Leshurr
This next song is like everything I like about ‘Beez In The Trap’, minus most everything I don’t. Genius use of space and repetition and languidness.
An A-Z of Divorce
Divorce sound like witches burning and power tools.
22 of Tamsin Chapman’s favourite songs of 2012 so far
You hear people say, “music isn’t as good as it used to be”, but you don’t ever hear them say “books aren’t as good as they used to be”. That’s because to say such a thing would reveal that person as a massive tool.
22 of Wallace Wylie’s favourite songs of 2012 (most of which are actually from 2012) so far
2012. I’m not going to lie to you, it’s been a shit year in terms of my personal life.