A new genre of music | the PC tribute band
Thanks to Wallace Wylie for the idea. Here’s his starter. The PC Led Zeppelin. Sample lyric: “Hey hey mama said the way you move/Puts me in the mood for some consensual sex.” “Communication breakdown, it’s always the same. Our gender definitions , as enforced by the capitalist/patriarchal system, make true communication impossible and only by rejecting these narrow […]
Name and shame | The great bands that should never have reformed
This line. It might be thin, so thin that it can’t be seen by the human eye so I can only give you a representation, but it exists – believe you me. Here. Here’s a reminder. OK. Let’s get on with the chart. Reminder: to qualify, the band needs to have been great in the first […]
The Friday Afternoon Playlist, 28.03.2014
The week’s big news, I mean other than Collapse Board somehow being overlooked in the list of the 100 most influential music blogs, was Friday’s surprise announcement that Kate Bush was playing her first live shows since 1979. AND BASICALLY NOTHING ELSE MATTERS BECAUSE I’M SEEING KATE BUSH IN AUGUST It’s the most indulgent and […]