 Everett True

Name and shame | The great bands that should never have reformed

Name and shame | The great bands that should never have reformed

This line. It might be thin, so thin that it can’t be seen by the human eye so I can only give you a representation, but it exists – believe you me. Here. Here’s a reminder. OK. Let’s get on with the chart. Reminder: to qualify, the band needs to have been great in the first […]

 Everett True

The return of Everett True | 73. Sleater-Kinney

The return of Everett True | 73. Sleater-Kinney

So how does Everett True feel about the news Sleater-Kinney has reformed, you may be asking yourself. 1. Everett True does not like the idea of bands – especially bands rooted in righteous fire and energy – getting back together, per se. Often, Everett True feels, the motivating factor is lack of inspiration, drive or money. […]

 Everett True

The Wedding Present + Seja + Eversons @The Zoo, Brisbane 02.03.13

Imagine Flight Of The Conchords in a long passionate embrace with a dazzling diaspora of Clean fans.

 Everett True

Song of the day – 500: The Popguns

After years of searching I finally had a place I could call home, with all the bitter aftertastes that involved

 Everett True

Collective nouns for rock fans

Everyone needs to release their inner James Lawton sometimes

 Everett True

Song of the day – 182: Pigeonhed

I have an awful lot of time for Seattle’s Steve Fisk, and not only because a) people have mistaken us for brothers, b) he’s the only man alive I know that’s grumpier than me, and c) I once appeared in a pick-up band alongside him and our cartoonist buddies Peter Bagge and Eric Reynolds playing […]