Bob Dylan – Another Self Portrait (1969-1971) The Bootleg Series Vol. 10 (Columbia)

There are no simple truths here. There is just a millionaire recording artist with time on his hands, recording songs that he enjoys singing.
The 1980s Was Way Shittier Than You Think It Was – A Retrospective
All of these songs were ubiquitous. They were in the Top 10 of the US charts. They permeated the culture and colored everyone’s life.
Suck My Minaj
If Nicki Minaj wasn’t appearing to simultaneously appeal to primary school children and your lap dance-loving dad, she could be a role model for rebellion with her penchant for swearing like her breath depended on it. She sounds hardcore. She looks I-Don’t-Even-Wanna-Know-What-Core.
There’s been a mistake in the 2011 AMP shortlist
He won’t win, of course. He’s not third rate enough.
THE COLLAPSE BOARD REVIEW Kate Bush – 50 Words For Snow (Fish Music/EMI)
There is snow, and there are words. This lengthy, seven-track record, successor to this year’s deck-clearing Director’s Cut, is an album that loves language every bit as much as it loves snow; you can feel delight soaking through the syllables.
You ratchet up the intensity with breakbeat and raver music. This is absinthe and lemonade.