 Everett True

Song of the day – 402: Tashaki Miyaki

Psychedelic shoegaze, some call it.

 Everett True

Good music writing or douchebag trolling?

web 2.0 has seen a shift in perception that anything that isn’t recommendation (or polite) is trolling

 Everett True

True on Morley

The commentary around the article is frequently more consequential than the article itself.

 Everett True

Song of the day – 401: Elvis Costello & The Attractions

We sang drunkenly and lustily and annoyingly along with every song we knew

 Everett True

damn, this is funny

So funny. And SO MUCH ENERGY.

 Everett True

Song of the day – 400: Udays Tiger

Sometimes it’s enough to get fucked and scream.

 Everett True

detail from the interview for the job of Assistant Editor, Melody Maker, 1992

How is that pretentious, Alan? I took it from that week’s Smash Hits

 Everett True

excerpt from an email to Vincent Vanoli, illustrator

I thought it’d be a good behind-the-scenes look at what goes on at Collapse Board

 Everett True

Punk Rock song of the day – 398: Hive Dwellers

More punk than you’ll ever be, punk.

 Everett True

why Bob Dylan is wrong

I guess Bob Dylan broke one of your rules.

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