The return of Everett True | 11. Honeyblood

No prep time. I’m going in cold. I’m a sucker for sunflowers and lavender. There was a massive lavender bush outside the house in grew up in, in Chelmsford. About the only plant that survived the years. I bought Charlotte a sunflower the day Isaac was born (cost a fiver, I recall). I’m a sucker […]
Song of the day – 628: Secret Beach

What would you rather listen to? Something that might turn out to be Sparks or The School or something that’s undeniably Pearl Jam?
Single Of The Week: Wild Moccasins – Gag Reflections/Summer Of Love (New West)
They are parts c86 a la Shop Assistants, tender jangle pop a la The Sundays, at times even a bit dreamy like Lush. I just want them to find their American side and fuck shit up bit and let loose.
The Legend! live (with Shop Assistants, Galaxie 500, Nirvana, Calvin Johnson)
Thought I’d upload a couple of songs onto YouTube.
Song of the day – 438: Melody Dog
Whirligigs were whirled. Recorders were blown down. Hearts were melted.
Song of the day – 417: Dum Dum Girls
This song is so great I cannot (and do not want to) find it in my heart to resist it
Veronica Falls – Veronica Falls (Slumberland/Bella Union)
Call me shallow but I’m starting to tire of nufuzzwurld.