 Scott Creney

Washed Out – Within And Without (Sub Pop)

Music to make out to, I suppose. A collegiate version of Norah Jones.

 Scott Creney

10 REVIEWS OF THE NEW CULTS ALBUM – 5: the good review (U.S.)

Cults knows the difference between an influence and a cliché.

 Everett True

10 REVIEWS OF THE NEW CULTS ALBUM – 1: in real time

Wouldn’t it be so great if something so obviously corporate-backed and hipster-fed turned out to be amazing after all?

 Everett True

Song of the day – 295: Blue Ribbon Glee Club (free download)

Those crazy Chicago hipster kids!

 Everett True

Song of the day – 190: Ruby For Lucy

I don’t like it when they go loud. I liked King Of Convenience. I liked Simon And Garfunkel, the darker numbers, and not overlooking the fact Art Garfunkel is just about the most annoying anodyne twat this side of Lionel Richie. I like to hear the strum of the acoustic, and tentative harmonies. I like nervousness especially […]

 Everett True

Song of the day – 170: My Friend Wallis

My Friend Wallis have a bandcamp page where you can download a whole bunch of great “tropical dream-funk from Vancouver” like this, for free. Sole band-member Crystal Dorval like the female Panda Bear, and I didn’t even realise I liked Panda Bear that much …