The Mountain Goats – Transcendental Youth (Merge)
Darnielle fashions Hallmark epiphanies out of his Wal-Mart realism.
The Bastards Of Fate – Who’s A Fuzzy Buddy (This Will Be Our Summer)
Keep your ears tuned to the small towns. The future of music is living in South Dakota.
THE COLLAPSE BOARD REVIEW The Smiths – The Complete Smiths (Rhino)
They deserve better than this. And so does anyone who ever cared about them.
Elvis Costello live @ Brisbane Entertainment Centre, 18.10.09
So my shamelessness paid off. Hell. I was trying to remember during the show how many times I’ve seen Elvis Costello perform before. Once, in LA at the Hollywood Bowl (around ’98) where myself and the PR were shamelessly drunk and singing along bawdily to him and Burt Bacharach (on piano) as they ploughed their […]
Spotlight – 3: Pocketbooks
Earlier this evening, I was floundering: unable to decide what to do with the remains of a slow-cooked pork roast. Looked at, and discarded, many recipes without even testing them. Finally, I decided to throw in a few slices of apple, a scattering of brown sugar, some vintage cheddar – of course – and toast […]