
Ardent Mythology: Following The Libertines

Ardent Mythology: Following The Libertines

By Alexis Late A lot of well-worshipped musicians tend to have a web of mythology encompassing them. Sometimes it’s created by scandal loving press and is, not surprisingly, flawed or exaggerated; sometimes it’s unearthed by fans through intimate obsession, or woven by the artists themselves, as they make their manifestos public. The Libertines were a […]

 Everett True

Yesterday and today | favo(u)rite songs of the Interweb (volume 4)

Yesterday and today | favo(u)rite songs of the Interweb (volume 4)

Thanks to Lee Alexandra Adcock for posting the links up for me. I was going to write my standard introduction… very displeased with the lack of motivation in the class blah blah blah old man forming wordless sounds at clouds blah blah blah who is not taking this assignment as seriously as they should blah blah blah… but […]

 Wallace Wylie

The Quality of Music and The Conformity of Youth | Dwindling Album Sales Explained

The Quality of Music and The Conformity of Youth | Dwindling Album Sales Explained

The real problem that the industry is dealing with these days is the lack of cultural importance given to popular music and the fact that popular music no longer has the same unifying power as it used to.

 Bianca Valentino

Dasha Bikceem a.k.a. Designer Imposter – The Collapse Board Interview

Our first show was in somebody’s basement at their parents’ house. Their parents would let them have punk shows. I don’t even know if people do that anymore?

 Everett True

10 Most Read Entries on Collapse Board, 19.04.11 – 27.04.11

They’re kids. Not Disney kids or showbiz kids or even kids with a dream. They’re kids with nightmares. They’re nightmare kids who know life’s a nightmare.

 Everett True

Poly Styrene R.I.P, 1957-2011

Poly Styrene was the fucking coolest singer ever. That was so much a given, it feels weird to offer any reasons even now.