 Everett True

The return of Everett True | 78. AC/DC

The return of Everett True | 78. AC/DC

For a while, it was touch and go there. I didn’t realise it at the time. I was just a lad, rocking out at the local under-16s disco at the YMCA. Lad with testosterone, however late come – however insignificant next to all the other lads with testosterone. I wanted to ROCK. Disco didn’t do […]

 Wallace Wylie

The Quality of Music and The Conformity of Youth | Dwindling Album Sales Explained

The Quality of Music and The Conformity of Youth | Dwindling Album Sales Explained

The real problem that the industry is dealing with these days is the lack of cultural importance given to popular music and the fact that popular music no longer has the same unifying power as it used to.

 Scott Creney

On Donna Summer’s Death and the Meaning of Love

I hope that in her next life, all Donna Summer ever feels is love. I hope that all of us feel it, including myself.

 Everett True

Song of the day – 289: Ann Peebles

I can’t stand the rain Against my window Bringing back sweet memories I can’t stand the rain Against my window Cause he ain’t here with me