
Pen Tip Rips – 9: Of Montreal

Pen Tip Rips – 9: Of Montreal

By Sleeven Tyler Perry

 Scott Creney

of Montreal – lousy with sylvanbriar (Polyvinyl)

of Montreal – lousy with sylvanbriar (Polyvinyl)

It’s Dylan at his dandiest, the least earthy version of Dylans, the one least covered in dirt, self-applied or otherwise.

 Mike Turner

2012 & the Abysmal Company You Kept

Dum Dum Girls had a massive year — the Coke Zero of the indie world. You know, same taste as the original formula but not as filling.


Brigette Herron’s 22-track summer mixtape for 2012

Just do me a favor and don’t count.

 Everett True

Song of the day – 447: of Montreal

This music, this song, makes me feel giddy with nausea and nauseous with delight.

 Scott Creney

of Montreal – Paralytic Stalks (Polyvinyl)

It’s a concept album about the fall of decadence, the inability to live any longer wrapped within one’s bullshit, the sound of someone pulling back the curtain on their personal Satyricon and recoiling in disgust.

 Everett True

an entire website summarised by two weeks of random reader comments

We heart Slumberland Records here at Collapse Board.

 Scott Creney

The Wussification of Indie Rock (it’s all Pavement’s fault)

A band like Arcade Fire has a hell of a lot more in common with Katy Perry than it does with Daniel Johnston.

 Everett True

Song of the day – 299: KIM

Guitars rock, like it’s still the 70s. Guitars rock, like we’re all still dancing in our living rooms to Herman Düne