
In Photos: Falls Festival @ Byron Bay – Day 3 – 02.01.2019

In Photos: Falls Festival @ Byron Bay – Day 3 – 02.01.2019

Photos by Alicia Scott Photos from the third day of Falls Festival at Byron Bay, featuring Alice Skye, Bishop Briggs, Mahalia, Jack River, Tired Lion, Amy Shark, The Vaccines, Odette, Toto, Vance Joy, Chvrches and Flight Facilities.

 Everett True

REVIEWED IN PICTURES The Vaccines – Come Of Age (Columbia)

Been puzzling over this one a little. Then I thought, perhaps I should listen to it…

 Everett True

The five rules of rock

If it was that easy to get right, don’t you think everyone would be doing it?


Highlights & Lowlights of Splendour In The Grass 2011

I enjoyed this year’s Splendour, as I always do.

 Everett True

10 REVIEWS OF THE NEW CULTS ALBUM – 1: in real time

Wouldn’t it be so great if something so obviously corporate-backed and hipster-fed turned out to be amazing after all?


Johnny Foreigner @ Bodgea Social Club, Nottingham, UK, 22.04.11

Beneath THAT, there’s the intricately dense, instantly relatable and increasingly self-referential lyrics.


‘Class’ of 2011

It’s like writing a hit on toilet behaviour; it happens but we don’t have to make a song or dance about it.