
In Photos: The Specials @ The Tivoli, 15.03.2017

In Photos: The Specials @ The Tivoli, 15.03.2017

A night of skanking in Brisbane with 2 Tone legends, The Specials.

 Venita Munir

The Specials @ Melbourne Zoo, 11.03.2017

The Specials @ Melbourne Zoo, 11.03.2017

Storm clouds threaten but never come close to snuffing out the enthusiasm of the crowd at Melbourne Zoo for what is the ultimate gig in this year’s Zoo Twilights series. It’s been five years since The Specials last toured Australia and the fans are more than appreciative of the balmy Saturday evening and happy vibe […]

 Everett True

Song of the day – 565: Misty’s Big Adventure

Ah now. This is what I’ve been waiting for ever since I moved to Brisbane five years ago. A new song from Misty’s Big Adventure.

 Everett True

the intro music for week 7 of KMB003 (Sex and Drugs and Rock and Roll)

I just thought you might enjoy this. I know I did.


Over the last few days, half of England burned. The other half talked witless bollocks about it.

Truth dies when news stories are reduced to binaries: good, evil, black, white, them, us. Difficult concepts are dumbed down into sound bites. We click ‘like’ and make a cup of tea.

 Everett True

10 REVIEWS OF THE NEW CULTS ALBUM – 1: in real time

Wouldn’t it be so great if something so obviously corporate-backed and hipster-fed turned out to be amazing after all?

 Everett True

Song of the day – 337: Au Pairs

Reassurance only comes about from belonging to the right cliques. I don’t mean that to sound too negative.

 Everett True

Songs about Brisbane – 5: The Go-Betweens

[The following was written almost a year ago to the day for my regular column for the Spanish magazine Go Mag. I was trying to capture the feeling of listening to the rain outside my house in The Gap, and futilely searching around in my iTunes for songs featuring the word ‘rain’, before stumbling across what […]

 Everett True

my iTunes Top 20, week ending 17.09.10

I’m only including one track per album (aside from the omnipresent Bluebeat 45s, from which I’ve drawn three) as to do otherwise would unbalance the entire chart. This isn’t accurate by any means, and complete omits any listening that takes place (for example) at the office, on the bus, in the car, on vinyl, in […]

 Everett True

Song of the day – 11: Dandy Livingstone

Much as I, Charlotte and Isaac love The Specials – and we do, trust me, we do – and much as I, Charlotte and Isaac love the Specials’ version of this particular song, I’ve gotta confess something to you right here, right now. We love the 1967 original featuring trombonist Rico Rodriguez even more.