All 10 Collapse Board Cults album reviews in one easily searchable popularity chart
Listening to Cults, I can only imagine that they have some great insider connections.
10 REVIEWS OF THE NEW CULTS ALBUM – 10: confessional
Confession: I am a 1960s girl group snob.
10 REVIEWS OF THE NEW CULTS ALBUM – 9: the girl group review
Cults are cute. A cute bunny rabbit of a band. But bunny rabbits fuck.
10 REVIEWS OF THE NEW CULTS ALBUM – 8: pretzel logic
Thus, Ms. Rikki, the following list of 12 cults far better to cultivate than the cult that Cults’ Cults will inevitably inculcate
Melody has the power to kill. You will be consumed within the arches of its sound.
10 REVIEWS OF THE NEW CULTS ALBUM – 5: the good review (U.S.)
Cults knows the difference between an influence and a cliché.
10 REVIEWS OF THE NEW CULTS ALBUM – 4: the bad review (U.K.)
It’s like a bag of those fun-sized Mars bars: nice to dip into, but a bit much if you try to wolf the lot in one go.
10 REVIEWS OF THE NEW CULTS ALBUM – 3: in pictures
I love Cults repeat x 300 word count
10 REVIEWS OF THE NEW CULTS ALBUM – 1: in real time
Wouldn’t it be so great if something so obviously corporate-backed and hipster-fed turned out to be amazing after all?