Song of the day – 667: Ragana
I like the fact Black Sabbath and Unwound haven’t been a male institution for years.
Song of the day – 182: Pigeonhed
I have an awful lot of time for Seattle’s Steve Fisk, and not only because a) people have mistaken us for brothers, b) he’s the only man alive I know that’s grumpier than me, and c) I once appeared in a pick-up band alongside him and our cartoonist buddies Peter Bagge and Eric Reynolds playing […]
Spotlight – 29: Kitchen’s Floor
As I said somewhere else just now, I keep forgetting how much I remain in love with the thrill of live music. Blame it on my age. Whatever. At least I know my limitations. Oh maybe I shouldn’t. Or maybe I don’t. Oh maybe I just want to FUCK AND GET HIGH FUCK AND GET […]