 Wallace Wylie

Segregation Under a Groove: Pop Music’s Unspoken Colour Lines

Segregation Under a Groove: Pop Music’s Unspoken Colour Lines

Many years ago, a great schism occurred in the history of popular music. As amps got louder and concerts got bigger, new groups responded by creating a heavier kind of music that relied on sheer sonic power as opposed to the lighter sounds of early sixties pop. Rock music broke away from pop and in […]

 Lee Adcock

Album Reviews: Future Islands – Singles (4AD) and Xiu Xiu – Angel Guts: Red Classroom (Bella Union)

Album Reviews: Future Islands – Singles (4AD) and Xiu Xiu – Angel Guts: Red Classroom (Bella Union)

So. By now you’ve probably seen the one TV performance that us muso-types can’t stop buzzing about. But, in case you’ve tuned out yr social networks lately (we are smack dab in the middle of Lent, after all), here it is. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1Ee4bfu_t3c A fair chunk of the discussion ‘round this bouncing black-clad wonder has devolved […]