Classic quotes from the Australian street press – 7: Brody Dalle

From the review of the new Brody Dalle album, Diploid Love, in yesterday’s MX, the free paper that they hand out at train and bus stations in Brisbane, Sydney and Melbourne. Not a music publication although they have a page of album reviews every week and given an estimated readership of 663,000 per day, their reviews are […]
Classic quotes from the Australian mainstream press – 1: Explosions In The Sky
The undulations were incredibly satisfying
These people are the enemy
…willing sheep whose idea of a great review is one where they got free entry AND free drinks…
10 Most Read Entries on Collapse Board, 11.04.11 – 18.04.11
Female writers represent! For the first time since I started these charts, there are as many female writers featured as male.
The 12 Worst Questions Asked by Australian Media at Snoop Dogg’s Only Australian Press Conference
Would you rather lick Vegemite off a dingo’s nose or eat kangaroo testicles?
Classic quotes from the Australian street press – 5: U2
“I’m fair-minded.If U2 ever made a good record I’d give it a good review.”
Classic quotes from the Australian street press – 4: Animal Collective*
This would actually be a pretty neat way of damning a band with faint praise, except – uh – that’s clearly not the intention
Classic quotes from the Australian street press – 3: Angus and Julia Stone
Is the writer or the editor more at fault here? You decide.
Classic quotes from the Australian street press – 2: Washington
Second up, complete nonsense about everyone’s favourite Australian pop saviour. Sorry, that should read *more* complete nonsense. “The title track, ‘How to Tame Lions’, is just a dream for the senses. The track is a sonic journey for anyone with four minutes to spare” – Eleven Magazine on Washington MORAL: Don’t trust a tiger by its tail.