How The Residents ruined my life (Song of the day 395)
The band’s name? Blowjob. My cool, cruel friends had told me it was because I blew down the recorder. Bastards.
Song of the day – 336: Subway Sect
“There is a prostitute in all of us…”
Poly Styrene R.I.P, 1957-2011
Poly Styrene was the fucking coolest singer ever. That was so much a given, it feels weird to offer any reasons even now.
Song of the day – 200: The Distractions
It’s great! Great, I tell you! None of the poignancy has been diminished by the passing years, only increased.
Song of the day – 96: Patrik Fitzgerald
To celebrate the fact my formative influence Patrik Fitzgerald has befriended me on Facebook, and was even nice enough to “like” a recent Thin Kids video, I figured it’s long overdue that I pay tribute to him here. This particular song I’m posting had a major effect on me when I first heard it back […]