Added on October 19, 2016
Alexis Late
2016 , album review , Alexis Late , Bitch Prefect , Courtney Barnett , Craig Dermody , Dick Diver , Flight Of The Conchords , Flying Nun Records , paul kelly , Scott And Charlene's Wedding , The Clean , The Go-Betweens , Twerps

Scott & Charlene’s Wedding – Mid Thirties Single Scene (Bedroom Suck)

Ben O’Connor from Chapter Music, when describing Dick Diver, commented: “(they were) more about investigating ideas about Australian identity, rather than being a celebration of Australianness.” This is true of several bands from the roster of Brisbane-via-Melbourne label Bedroom Suck Records, bands that, like Dick Diver and Twerps on Chapter Music, have been described as […]
Added on August 8, 2011
Everett True
Everett True , Flying Nun Records , Melbourne , Music criticism , Pop Singles , Song Of The Day , The Apartments , The Cannanes , The Chills , The Go-Betweens , The Stress Of Leisure , Unpopular
Song of the day – 382: Pop Singles (free downloads)
This is just great shy pop music.
Added on April 12, 2011
Everett True
Dan Treacy , Flying Nun Records , Gorky's Zygotic Mynci , Lispector , MGMT , The Clean , The Flaming Lips
Song of the day – 322: MGMT
So I’ve done my increasingly usual trick. Listened to music with barely a trace of context.
Added on January 3, 2011
Everett True
Donna Summer , Flying Nun Records , Kraftwerk , London , Pete And The Pirates , The Chills
Song of the day – 262: Pete And The Pirates (free download)
Make you giddy with delirium, that make you want to kiss the stars and make love in the gutters