 Hannah Golightly

Oh Andrew Vanwyngarden… where have you been all my life?

I met him on a dark night in Manchester with the sky glowing a shade of pinky orange light pollution

 Everett True

Song of the day – 415: Unknown Mortal Orchestra

They seem like hipsters to me (without any added pejorative). Would that be correct?

 Princess Stomper

Who makes the rules for music?

‘Somewhere Over The Rainbow’ is a prime example of AABA with an outro.

 Princess Stomper

Princess Stomper deconstructs the Art of the Pop Song

The rhythms are hugely complex in how they build up and break down. It’s these wave-like swells and drops that dictate how your body is going to move on the dancefloor. For the brainless dancefloor filler, structure is everything.

 Everett True

Song of the day – 322: MGMT

So I’ve done my increasingly usual trick. Listened to music with barely a trace of context.

 Hannah Golightly

Fuck The Dream. Marry for the love and not the money.

I sense a spirit of love that infuses the music with soul and self-expression. And if you think this description suggests a kitsch twee puke-fest, then I’d have sorely done the depth and strength of their music an injustice.

 Everett True

Song of the day – 300: The Clean (mini-live review)

I doubt if there’s a single person here who undervalues The Clean’s beauty, their vivid guitar storms punctuated by trebly guitar excess and bursts of down-home, deprecating humour.