Does the Australian Music Industry Turn a Blind Eye – Part 1
Sticky Fingers are big-name festival announcements Sticky Fingers are triple j’s Feature Album Sticky Fingers are programming Rage Sticky Fingers are getting interviewed by Rolling Stone Sticky Fingers are getting rave reviews for their album Sticky Fingers’ bad boy reputation is continually celebrated Except in proving them with the oxygen of publicity, the Australian music […]
How to write a press release
Why would we make this music that is The Terror – this bleak, disturbing, hopeless record…?? I don’t really want to know the answer that I think is coming: that WE were hopeless WE were disturbed (but we didn’t have a longing to NOT be disturbed) and, I think, accepting that some things are hopeless…or letting hope in one area die so that hope can start to live in another?? Maybe this is the beginning of the answer.
Fuck Bowie
Bowie is, and always has been a phoney.
Sexism etc – female music critics wanted for Collapse Board
Imagine if the music critic in Almost Famous had been female. Any chance at all she wouldn’t have been portrayed as a groupie?
how the music press works
The following is an email that was forwarded on to me by an interested party. I have removed the names of the relevant parties to spare the blushes of all concerned