
In Photos: APT9 Summer Festival Up Late, @ QAGOMA, 18.01.2019

In Photos: APT9 Summer Festival Up Late, @ QAGOMA, 18.01.2019

Ngaiire, Electric Fields, Bottlesmoker and May Lyn play the Asia Pacific Triennial 9 Summer Festival Up Late at the The Queensland Art Gallery | Gallery of Modern Art in Brisbane.

 Riley Fitzgerald

Models @ QAGOMA, 25.08.2017

Models @ QAGOMA, 25.08.2017

Suddenly the Models return. Back together for the sheer hell of it, they bring a party atmosphere to their QGOMA surrounds. Before the stage sizeable gathering nudge, jostle and clamour to find a position as four figures take the stage. For those unfamiliar, this is a group which lived on the edge in a decade […]

 Riley Fitzgerald

Habits @ QAGOMA, 07.08.2017

Habits @ QAGOMA, 07.08.2017

Habits traverse an area few of their more visible Australian contemporaries dare venture. The pair’s 2016 debut Ugly Cry makes nods to the sounds of Melbourne’s electronic underground, acid house, industrial, synth pop, club music and future R&B. Wherever the two find their inspiration, they make it exciting, without losing a grip on creating music […]


In Photos: Sampa The Great @ GoMA, 16.09.2016

In Photos: Sampa The Great @ GoMA, 16.09.2016

Sampa The Great plays a Friday night show for Cindy Sherman Up Late at Brisbane’s Gallery of Modern Art.


In Photos: Cornelius Presents salyu x salyu @ GoMA, 30.01.2015

In Photos: Cornelius Presents salyu x salyu @ GoMA, 30.01.2015

Cornelius Presents salyu x salyu play an ‘Up Late’ show at the Gallery of Modern Art in Brisbane as part of the ‘Future Beauty: 30 Years of Japanese Fashion’ exhibition.