
In Photos: Regurgitator + Wampire @ The Hi-Fi, Brisbane, 11.10.2013

By Justin Edwards Photos of Regurgitator and Wampire at The Hi-Fi. Not Pictured: Seja, Jhonny Russell’s Mystery School.

 Jodi Biddle

Regurgitator + Wampire + Seja + Mystery School @ The Hi-Fi, Brisbane, 11.10.13

The thing I like the most about Regurgitator is their complete lack of irony (in the hipster sense anyway)

 Scott Creney

30 Songs That Suggest Music In 2013 Isn’t As Bad As You Think It Is

30 Songs That Suggest Music In 2013 Isn’t As Bad As You Think It Is

The extra reading is well worth your time. I’m way more entertaining than I need to be, given the subject matter.

 Scott Creney

John Grant – Pale Green Ghosts (Bella Union)

John Grant – Pale Green Ghosts (Bella Union)

Pale Green Ghosts is an album as diverse and hilarious, as dying and alive, as life itself. What more could you ask for? Prior approval? Grow up. The music world is a lot bigger than Pitchfork, and there are far more interesting journeys to go on than the path from a publicist’s e-mail to a writer’s inbox.

 Scott Creney

Wampire – Curiosity (Polyvinyl)

Wampire – Curiosity (Polyvinyl)

I know plenty of people who will never, just based on the annoying dipshit band name alone, ever listen to this.