The Greatest Album Ever Made
The greatest album ever made? Right now, I can’t think of another.
Song of the day – 391: Teddy And The Frat Girls
More songs about shitting, quaaludes and cocks.
Jad Fair – Beautiful Songs (The Best of Jad Fair) (Fire)
If people really did root for the underdog, if they really did want the unlikely nerd to be the hero, then Jad Fair would be a household name.
Everett True in the UK, part one – Southampton
“Most music critics are reading other music critics to find out what they should like”
Song of the day – 235: Stuart Busby
Been meaning to share this little gem from YouTube with you for some time.
Song of the day – 134: David & Jad Fair
“My friend Jad Fair,” begins perhaps the best-loved Legend! and Deadnotes song, ” once told me that there are only two types of songs.” Love songs and monster songs. I interviewed Jad Fair recently on the telephone, as I was writing sleeve-notes to a forthcoming three-CD ‘Best Of’ compilation on Fire Records, entitled Beautiful Songs. […]
Spotlight – 41: Bitch Prefect
This recommendation comes courtesy of the fine Eternal Soundcheck blog. As Matt writes, “Bitch Prefect are from Adelaide and play really nice simple pop music – Think the Clean, Velvet Underground, a bit of Half/Japanese and mix it up with the retardation that growing up in a small city town in Australia would do to […]