 Scott Creney

Mac DeMarco – Rock And Roll Night Club (Captured Tracks)

If you can’t be great, you can at least be interesting.

 Scott Creney

Beach House – Bloom (Sub Pop)

After five listens, I’m still not sure this music even exists. It’s that ephemeral, a shimmery mirage that’s every bit as substantial, every bit as nourishing, and every bit as empty, as the image suggests.

 Scott Creney

On Donna Summer’s Death and the Meaning of Love

I hope that in her next life, all Donna Summer ever feels is love. I hope that all of us feel it, including myself.

 Scott Creney

Moments In Song #5 – Reptarz2 ‘Phonetics’

When you’re living in a small-town you have to make your own kind of fun. As the world becomes smaller, we’re going to see that whenever someone finds a new way to have fun, it’s going to spread like wildfire.

 Scott Creney

The Bastards Of Fate – Who’s A Fuzzy Buddy (This Will Be Our Summer)

Keep your ears tuned to the small towns. The future of music is living in South Dakota.

 Everett True

Gotye hits Number One in U.S. charts

Gotye hits Number One in U.S. charts

He keeps insisting his eyes are wide open, but it’s anyone’s guess what the fuck he’s looking at.

 Scott Creney

Sissy Spacek – Wastrel Projection (Handmade Birds)

Eventually someone was bound to out-scorch Melt Banana, bound to shave Harry Pussy into irrelevance, and bound to just come along and fucking liquefy your face.

 Scott Creney

Moments In Song #4 – Urge Overkill ‘Sister Havana’

“Dude! Oh my god! Urge Overkill’s here! They’re in the parking lot! They’re all out there! Come meet them!”

 Scott Creney

Willis Earl Beal – Acousmatic Sorcery (Hot Charity/XL)

There’s a righteousness at the heart of these songs, a riveting freedom that makes Contemporary Indie — cute, smug, obvious, self-obsessed, eager to please — seem hilariously and stupidly irrelevant.

 Scott Creney

Sleigh Bells – Reign Of Terror (Mom & Pop)

As pop, it’s irritating and destructive. As rock, it could give a fuck. What more could you ask for?

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