 Ben Green

The Flaming Lips – The Terror (Bella Union)

The Flaming Lips – The Terror (Bella Union)

It seems this experience has totally renewed my enjoyment of all that other Flaming Lips stuff that I play in the daytime

 Everett True

How to write a press release

How to write a press release

Why would we make this music that is The Terror – this bleak, disturbing, hopeless record…?? I don’t really want to know the answer that I think is coming: that WE were hopeless WE were disturbed (but we didn’t have a longing to NOT be disturbed) and, I think, accepting that some things are hopeless…or letting hope in one area die so that hope can start to live in another?? Maybe this is the beginning of the answer.

 Everett True

10 future songs of the day

Sometimes, the concept is enough in itself.

 Everett True

Song of the day – 415: Unknown Mortal Orchestra

They seem like hipsters to me (without any added pejorative). Would that be correct?

 Everett True

Song of the day – 322: MGMT

So I’ve done my increasingly usual trick. Listened to music with barely a trace of context.